Serbian Mauser Rifle M1910 Captured by Austro-Hungary

Serbian Mauser Model 1910 Infantry Rifle (Puska 1910)
7mm M.14 Serbisches RepetierGewehr, System Mauser

Made by Waffenfabrik Mauser AG, Oberndorf, 1910-12
Turning bolt action with 5-rd charger loaded integral magazine
Caliber 7x57mm Mauser
1238mm overall, 740mm barrel length, 4-groove, rh, conc.
Empty weight 4.11kg
Tangent leaf rear sight graduated to 2000m
Muzzle Velocity 710m/s
M1899 Knife Bayonet

Large number of Serbian M1899 and M1910 Mauser rifles were captured by the Austro-Hungarian forces in Serbia in 1914-15. Captured rifles were issued to 2nd line units in unaltered condition, with captured 7x57mm Mauser ammunition. The rifles were designated '7mm M.14'.
Oberndorf made M1910 rifles carry a cyrillic side rail legend: 'ORUZHNA FABRIKA MAUZERAD OBERNDORF'. Samples with original German-style markings can be found.

The M1910 is a Gew.98 action with M1910 style barrel bands and tangent rear sight.
