Hungarian Weapons - Fémáru FÉG Pistols

FÉG 7.65mm AP-MBP Pistol

A Walther PPK type aluminum-titanium alloy frame pistol
Manufactured by Fegyver és Gázkészülékgyár ('FÉG'), Budapest, cca 1970-2003
Caliber: 7.65x17mm (.32ACP)
171mm [6.7"] long, 100mm [3.9"] barrel
7-rd magazine
Unloaded weight: 540g, loaded: 600g

This is the export version of the Hungarian Military PA-63 Pistol, chambering 7.65x17mm (.32ACP). It was manufactured with a black-anodized Titanium-Aluminium alloy frame and a polished blued steel slide.

Marked 'Made in Hungary FÉG Budapest' on the right side of the slide.

The model is marked on the left side of the slide: '7.65mm AP-MBP'

Century Arms import marked under the Model designation.

Typical AP-MBP inspection markings are on the left side of the frame, between the trigger and the grip panel. The serial numbers are usually 2 letters and 4 numbers. Most AP-MBP pistols have been reported with 'BK' letter prefixes, one was reported with a 'BU' prefix. Please provide update.
The circled 'M1' and the heart-shape circled 'I' are inspection marks. The small Hungarian crest with the 2-digit date are believed to be acceptance marks. The '7's are a bit weird often look like '1's. Some sources question the 2-digit dates because 50 and 52 were reported which could not be dates..

Some of the pistol have a thumb rest grip

Design improvements of the Walther PPK by FÉG.
English Disassembly Manual
